Does that calm the situation? – “Citybeats”: Grid will soon lock out night owls

The situation escalated around the Salzburg nightclub “Citybeats”. The “Krone” reported on the grievances – now politicians are reacting!

“We no longer dare to leave the house on weekends.” Old Town resident Johannes Lackner says what many of his neighbors are thinking. He lives in the tranquil Badergässchen – in the middle of Salzburg and in the immediate vicinity of the nightclub “Citybeats”. The “Krone” has already reported several times about the unspeakable conditions around the discotheque. Night owls hang out late on weekends in the side streets near the “Citybeats”. They shout, fight, take and sell drugs. Party guests urinate on doorsteps and litter the old town. “We also had pools of blood in front of our house entrance,” says resident Denise Edlmayr, completely outraged. The residents’ complaints have so far gone completely unheard. Neither the police nor politicians reacted. After the “Krone” reports, everything is different now! On Monday, the city government approved a night-time closure of Badergässchen between Griesgasse and Getreidegasse. “We are waiving our right of way and are allowing the closure until further notice,” says Mayor Harald Preuner (ÖVP). The house owners would install a grille and pay for it out of their own pocket. According to the city boss, it should be ready in just one or two weeks. There have been similar initiatives in the past – but these were always rejected by the Salzburg city administration.
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