Dog haters – joggers attacked puppies with pepper spray

A four-year-old boy and his three-month-old puppy fell victim to a pepper spray attack in Klagenfurt. A jogger had sprayed the boy and his playful, harmless Shetland Sheepdog. The incident occurred when the two were on their way to the dog park, accompanied by their father (55).

The 55-year-old from Klagenfurt had – as only now became public – let the puppy off the leash in front of the dog park on Glanradweg near the Rotkreuz headquarters so that it could run ahead to the dog meadow. “At that moment, two joggers came by – an older man and an older woman. The playful puppy ran after them, ”says a police officer. As a result, the recreational athletes are likely to have felt threatened. The man grabbed the pepper spray can and attacked the puppy with it. The boy and his father immediately ran to their dog and got some of the caustic spray off. The two runners hurried away, and the dog owner alerted the police. However, a manhunt for the two joggers was unsuccessful, and a witness who was walking her dog on the bike path at the same time and who had observed the incident said that these two runners were known in the area for hating dogs. The puppy had to be looked after by the vet after the attack.
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