Game news DokeV: We haven’t seen anything from the open world according to Pearl Abyss yet!
Announced in 2019 by Pearl Abyss and first unveiled at gamescom last August, DokeV will find itself at the crossroads between Pokémon, Genshin Impact, and a sandbox life simulation. Technically striking when presented, the world could be much bigger than one might have imagined.
DokeV is a action-adventure game mixed with RPG mechanics, in which players move through a large open world. In this universe, humans rub shoulders with creatures called Dokebi, inspired by Dokkaebi from Korean mythology. Born from dreams, they accompany humans and fight for them as long as they become friends. The goal will therefore be to explore this world, to collect these creatures, to perform many activities, to face bosses, but also to fight against the Company, which captures Dokebis to develop high-performance AI.
An open world that should be huge!
Obviously inspired by Pokémon, DokeV technically wants to be much more successful, larger, and more varied in terms of ancillary activities and interactions. But to bring such an open world to life, you must first create a sufficiently large playing area. And as much to say that the open world promises to be gigantic. The game developers, through our colleagues from MGG, indicate that by observing all the videos broadcast so far, we have only seen 10% of what makes up the universe of the title. They also specify that we did not see a single large city, but two very distinct metropolises present on the island.
To go around it, it will therefore be necessary to be patient and do not hesitate to use the many means of transport that will be made available to us. Llamas, skateboards, jet skis and vehicles of all kinds should make it easier to come and go. Pearl Abyss has talked a lot about the mechanics of the game, but recently indicated that DokeV will have a day / night cycle, dynamic weather, or different seasons.
The whole will obviously have an influence on the activities and creatures encountered, but details on this subject as well as on the economic model are still awaited. At the moment, we do not know the release date of the title, but we do know that it will be released. on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series.
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Through MalloDelic, Journalist jeuxvideo.com
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