Domestic violence: victims notified in the event of the release of their spouse

Associations fighting against domestic violence and victims’ associations have been calling for it for a long time: from this Tuesday, February 1, victims of violent spouses or companions will be systematically informed by the courts of their release, at the investigation stage. as judgment, whether the person is prosecuted or already convicted.

For Pauline Baron, from the We All collective, “It’s extremely important because it allows the victim to adapt and anticipate things”.

In November, in Epinay-sur-Seine, near Paris, a 44-year-old woman was stabbed to death by her violent ex-companion, released from prison ten days earlier without her having been notified. The victim was equipped with a serious danger telephone, which she was not carrying with her at the time of the events.

Since today, the victim is informed when an adjustment of sentence is envisaged for a detainee, and he will be able to be assisted by an association for the assistance of victims. Justice also provides that the victim will have to give his prior opinion for the requests for parole of the violent spouse sentenced to a prison term equal to or greater than five years, or to a sentence of criminal imprisonment.

The victim information measure does not only apply when the perpetrator of the violence has served his sentence or is on early release. It applies when release is ordered after pre-trial detention, pending trial, and the person charged with domestic violence must be placed under judicial supervision with a ban on entering into a relationship with the victim. .

Children are no longer “witnesses” but become “victims”

Another measure relating to violence comes into force on February 1: a child exposed to domestic violence, who was previously considered by the courts as a witness, will now have the status of victim and will be able to bring a civil action. In France, nearly 400,000 children live in families where domestic violence takes place, according to a report by the High Commissioner for Gender Equality in June 2021.

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