Donald Trump: He calls Joe Biden the winner and then rows back

US President Donald Trump spoke publicly for the first time about Joe Biden's election victory. However, he added a big but.

The incumbent US President Donald Trump (74) has so far steadfastly refused to publicly recognize the victory of his challenger Joe Biden (77) in the presidential election. Now Trump spoke for the first time, as usual via Twitter, that Biden had won the election – but only because he had been cheated.

"We still have a long way to go"

"He won because the election was rigged," wrote Trump in a tweet, which was immediately provided with a warning by Twitter. Later, Trump put in another tweet even gradually and relativized his statement: "He only won in the eyes of the fake news media. I do not admit anything. We still have a long way to go. This election was rigged," said Trump.

Trump has again not provided any evidence to support his claims. His legal team, led by Rudy Giuliani, 76, has filed various lawsuits in several US states to challenge the legality of the votes.

Last Thursday (November 12), however, high-ranking representatives of the US electoral authorities had clearly rejected allegations of fraud in a statement: This year's election was "the safest in American history".
