Don't despair … Why tough decisions are great

Just do it!
Don't despair … Why tough decisions are great

Just do it !: Don't despair ... Why difficult decisions are great

Unfortunately, it is like this: difficult decisions are not always important, but important decisions (children! Partners! Work!) Are often difficult. The biggest mistake is actually not making the decision at all.

by Eva Manegold

It starts at breakfast with the choice of muesli and ends in the evening with the consideration of whether you should really get up again to brush your teeth: We make decisions all day long. Admittedly, very few of them are really difficult. Most of the time we make quick and intuitive decisions or we are not even aware that we are making a choice.

The bigger the choice, the freer we are – right?

To be honest: I often don't feel particularly free when I have to weigh between 20 types of muesli when shopping and between sports, friends and family in the evening. Virtually anything is possible, but this also increases the pressure to make the right decision. That may still be bearable in front of the supermarket shelf, as the consequences of this decision are generally not life-changing.

However, it is completely different with the essential questions in life: Do I want children – yes or no? Would I rather start a secure job or one that interests me? Should I move in with my partner even if we've only known each other for a few months?

Usually even the most beautiful pro and contralists don't help. But that is no reason to despair, because difficult decisions are nevertheless (or precisely because of that) something beautiful. Provided, of course, you know how to handle them:

The alpha and omega of the wise choice

1. There is no perfect solution

Difficult decisions are usually so difficult because there is no undoubtedly rational "better" option. There's no point in collecting more and more information and creating long lists. Searching for the perfect solution only makes you unhappy because it doesn't exist!

2. Head AND heart are important

In the end, we don't choose something because we have objectively found more advantages than disadvantages. In the end, our values ​​on certain topics are decisive (desire for independence, security, variety, etc.) – and these are different for each person. So when you've found out for yourself what kind of person you are or want to be, the decision should be a lot easier.

3. Be the author of your own life

Decisions give us the opportunity to actively determine how we want to shape our own life. We invent ourselves. It's actually something beautiful, even if it doesn't feel like it at the moment. In retrospect, it is always better to have consciously made the decision yourself than to simply wait or hand over responsibility. How we choose makes us who we are.