“Don’t forget the lyrics” suspended: when will Nagui’s game return to France 2? : Current Woman Le MAG

Do not forget the lyrics sorely missed by viewers since Saturday August 19, 2023. For good reason, the daily musical program of France 2 was suspended for the duration of the broadcast of the World Athletics Championships on the public service channel. A blow for fans of the famous karaoke! All the more so in the midst of a heat wave, when you prefer to stay cool at home… But let the regulars of Nagui’s game be reassured, the wait should not be very long. Indeed, the singing competition should return to the air on Monday August 28, 2023, as Nagui announced during the last broadcast on Friday August 18, 2023. Only five days left. As for Nathalie, the current Maestro of the game, she has so far collected five victories and is at the head of a kitty of 34,000 euros. She will have to arm herself with a little more patience before grabbing her silver microphone again.

The expected return of the Masters

On return from Do not forget the lyricsafter the World Athletics Championships in Budapest, the Masters will be played. “We are returning on August 28 with Sébastien, Audrey our air hostess, Audrey our singer and we will have two Johann and Aurore, Mélodie, Laurène and Élodie. These are the preliminaries of the Masters and then there will be the Masters to determine who is the greatest of all the Maestros of the year”, declared the husband of Mélanie Page during the last broadcast on Friday August 18, 2023. The budding singer will then be able to take advantage of this time to revise her lyrics and rest. “You have time now to rest, it will be in a month, time to come back in Don’t forget the lyrics”, the host explained to him. Aficionados of the program will therefore find the preliminaries of the Masters from Monday August 28, 2023, a competition during which the greatest champions of the game will compete. So the wait should be worth it to end the summer in style on the set of France 2 !

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