Don’t Look Up on Netflix: the movie classic that inspired Adam McKay’s movie

Thomas Desroches

Cinema and series journalist

With his eyes riveted on the screen and his head in magazines, Thomas Desroches feeds on films of all kinds from an early age. He loves committed and extreme cinema, documentaries, the work of Xavier Dolan and shares his passion on the AlloCiné podcast.

Available on Netflix, “Don’t Look Up” by Adam McKay paints an acid and satirical portrait of contemporary society with a host of stars on screen. A well-known cult film has also inspired the director.

In Adam McKay’s film Don’t Look Up, Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence play two astronomers who make an alarming discovery: a meteorite is going to crash into Earth. Faced with the urgency of the situation, the duo of scientists set out to alert the population before it is too late. The problem ? The whole world doesn’t care and no one takes them seriously.

To tell this collective – and criminal – unconsciousness, the director found his inspiration in one of the greatest classics of Hollywood cinema: The Teeth of the Sea. Remember, in Steven Spielberg’s film, the mayor of the city ignores warnings from the local police chief about the presence of a shark. In order not to impact tourism, the city council refuses to close the beach, even if it means putting residents and holidaymakers in danger.

In a portrait which is devoted to him in the New York Times, Adam McKay explains: “The idea that a disaster movie in which people do not believe that real drama is approaching refers to the character of the mayor in Jaws.” The filmmaker even quotes one of the famous lines: “You would like to prove it, right? Just to see your name in the National Geograpic. ”

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The satire Don’t Look Up has many parallels with the climate crisis. Adam McKay takes the opportunity to point the finger at those primarily responsible and paints a portrait of a creaky society. All over the world, the film is a great success, especially in France where it climbs to first place in the Netflix ranking.

In Brazil, it is particularly reactive because many emphasize the similarities between the feature film and the political situation in the country. For example, the presence in government of the son of Jair Bolsonaro, the president, exactly like the character of Jonah Hill, son of the head of state, played by Meryl Streep.

Don’t Look Up is available on Netflix.

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