Drama in Cyprus – horror accident with Porsche: entrepreneur (45) killed

Terrible accident in the province of Larnaca on Cyprus: A businessman from Vienna lost control of his Porsche at an intersection and crashed into a pillar. While the passenger survived slightly injured, any help came too late for the 45-year-old father at the wheel.

The scene of the accident in the province of Larnaca still gives an idea of ​​the dramatic scenes that must have played out here in the early hours of the morning. The Austrian real estate entrepreneur Franz L. was driving his Porsche in the city of Livadia when he lost control of his luxury car at a crossroads on Andrea Kalvou Street at around 2.45 a.m.

Passenger freed himself from the wreck
The car first crashed into several billboards and traffic signs with full force, was subsequently levered out and finally came to rest after a few meters to the side. The 40-year-old passenger, who according to the Cypriot police only suffered minor injuries in the crash, was able to free himself from the vehicle wreck – the German dragged himself to a nearby house and got help.

Victim pronounced dead in hospital
The resident, woken from sleep, immediately alerted the emergency services. But there was no rescue for Franz L. at the wheel. The family man (45) was transported to Larnaca General Hospital with life-threatening injuries, where the doctors declared him dead a little later.

Family, friends and work colleagues are in shock – the mourning for the successful Austrian living abroad who lived in Cyprus with his wife and daughter is almost endless. “Franz was full of ideas and zest for action and spurred us on in our actions. We keep him a reverent memory ”; “I am deeply shocked! My deepest condolences go to his entire family and especially his daughter. I got to know Franz as an absolute visionary, humorous and very special person. “

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