Dream Interpretation: what it means if you cheat on your partner in a dream

Dreamed of an affair
This is what it means when you cheat on your partner in a dream

© Siriluk ok / Shutterstock

Have you ever dreamed of ending up in bed with another man – and then waking up completely confused? That tells you about your relationship.

If you’ve ever cheated on in a dream, then you surely know the relieving feeling when you wake up and think: Thank God, it’s all just a dream! Because mostly it’s not the super-erotic scene with Channing Tatum, who loves you on the South Seas beach, but a misstep with remorse. “Now I’ve broken everything,” you fear while dreaming and are afraid that everything could be over with your partner or your partner: in.

But what does that actually say about your relationship? Does a fling invented by the unconscious automatically mean that you are dissatisfied in your relationship? Do you no longer desire your sweetheart strong enough? We can reassure you there: If you cheat on your: n partner: in in a dream, according to the dream interpretation this only means that you are dissatisfied with one area of ​​life – but this does not have to be the relationship. Job, health, family … somewhere you unconsciously (or consciously) long for something new. The affair stands for breaking out of old patterns – off to new shores. Incidentally, a bad conscience in the dream clearly shows that you love your: n partner: in and do not want to lose him or her.

Use the dream for yourself

So after such a dream go inside and question: Is there something in my life that I am dissatisfied with? Is it worth trying something completely new? Sure, some things don’t reveal themselves so easily because they happen unconsciously. But if you actively listen to yourself, you can only win.

Do you come to the conclusion that you are happy the way it is? Then you should check off the dream and do not interpret something like hell into it. Very important: don’t blame yourself! After all, you can’t help your dreams.


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