Duchess Catherine: With this ritual, William remains her prince

After more than ten years of marriage, Duchess Catherine and Prince William still seem newly in love. The couple are beaming, even though their everyday lives are associated with many burdens: royal duties and family have to be agreed. What is the recipe for their happiness together?

A strong “Cheers” to Prince William, 39, who knows how to take some of the pressure off his wife, Duchess Catherine, 39. The royal allegedly likes to act as the personal bartender of his loved ones when she has another packed day with royal duties and a lot of family hustle and bustle behind her.

Duchess Catherine and Prince William support each other

“William brings Kate a gin and tonic,” a family friend told People. After a day in the service of the Crown followed by spending time with Prince George, 8, Princess Charlotte, 6, and Prince Louis, 3, the Cambridges try to find some relaxation in the evening. This includes reviewing the day and enjoying a little glass from time to time.

“You are a strong team”

“They take care of each other, but in different ways,” explains the insider. The impressive couple, who confidently represent the British royal family in public, are also a well-rehearsed unit at home that supports each other.

Catherine and William seem authentic. Their affection never seems to have been played. “They are a strong team”, the photographer Chris Jackson attested to the couple after his appearance during the opening ceremony of the “Earthshot Prize” gala on October 17th, 2021 in London. He had watched as Kate received her husband again after his enthusiastic speech. She “was so obviously really proud of him when he came back from his speech,” he confirmed to People.

But the 39-year-old can also be sure of the pride and full support of her partner. At the Christmas concert “Together At Christmas” organized by her in Westminster Abbey on December 8, 2021, the heir to the throne did not leave her side. Both were beaming at the festive event that the Duchess of Cambridge had organized with great attention to detail.

The children have priority

But glamor and charity are only part of Cambridge’s life. Despite the important but time-consuming chores for the royal family, family life is still the top priority for the couple. Especially the middle-class Catherine wants to enable her children to have a normal everyday life as much as possible. This includes being picked up from school, having breakfast together with the usual quarrels about the choice of background music or excursions into nature.

Of course, the children have a permanent contact person with their nanny Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo when mom and dad go about their job as senior royals. But Catherine is responsible for taking care of her offspring despite all the tasks, as a friend recently revealed: “She is enormously involved in every single part of her day.”

Catherine is becoming “more and more impressive as time goes on,” says a source close to the royal household. “She is a focused and professional woman.”

Source used: people.com


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