Duchess Meghan: how close was your bond with Prince Charles really?

Was Duchess Meghan much closer to Prince Charles than previously assumed? He is said to have been like a second father to her.

Rumors of strained relationships among members of the British royal family have risen over the past few years. Especially Prince Harry's (35) wife Duchess Meghan (38) was repeatedly accused of having driven a wedge into the middle of the Royals. In the background many things seem to have been very different.

So it should not have been the driving force behind the Megxit, but Prince Harry. Meghan is also said to have got along much better with her father-in-law Prince Charles (71) for a long time than previously assumed, as can be read in the disclosure book "Finding Freedom", which will be published on August 11 and from which, among other things, the British " Daily Mail "quoted. The book by Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand is said to be based on statements from acquaintances and friends of the couple and tells from the lives of Harry and Meghan.

Exulting in the sky

Duchess Meghan has even made such a close bond with Charles that she allegedly saw him as a kind of second father for a while. It was also the British heir to the throne who led his daughter-in-law to old age at the wedding to Prince Harry in May 2018.

Meghan is also said to have taken great pains to learn the royal rules that were previously foreign to her. She was often seen carrying a thick folder with all the specifications in order to avoid mistakes as much as possible. After Meghan had also been instructed by Queen Elizabeth II (94) in the royal etiquette, the Queen gave her a great testimonial and described her as "very clever and good". Charles and his wife, Duchess Camilla (73), would have liked Meghan just as much. According to a friend's statement, the Queen's son thought his daughter-in-law was a "perky, self-assured, beautiful American". The heir to the throne may "very strong, confident women."

Sad to death

But then the situation soon got worse. Harry is said to have felt betrayed by his brother's advisors, Prince William (38). These would have taken advantage of situations to make William look good, even if this threw a bad light on Harry. Royale court employees also feared that a falling out between the brothers could mean "the end of the monarchy". Allegedly, Williams concerns that Harry was going too fast with things with Meghan led to this.

Meghan left the country when she left Great Britain – she has lived with Harry and their son Archie (1) for some time in the Los Angeles area – "emotionally injured and exhausted". The last appointment of Harry and Meghan in the service of the royal family in March is reported to have been very cold – especially between the couple, Harry's brother William and his wife, Duchess Kate (38). In tears, Meghan is said to have said goodbye to members of her team who were close to her in the direction of North America.
