Duchess Meghan + Prince Harry: They face new challenges

Duchess Meghan + Prince Harry
Now they have to prove themselves

Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry

© Patrick van Katwijk / Getty Images

Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry have talked their minds off the burden of the past few years in the shadow of the crown in many ways. Now they must be taken at their word. They want to leave the “royal gossip” behind. But what’s next for the Sussexes without him?

Since May 2018 at the latest, Prince Harry, 38, and Duchess Meghan, 41, have been in the limelight together as a couple. Wedding, baby, getting out of royal obligations: The headlines about the Sussexes have not stopped, culminating in various interviews, a Netflix documentary and spicy memoirs after moving to the USA, which did not skimp on tips against the royal family. Now everything seems to have been said. But what comes after the line announced in your TV show under the unfortunate royal past?

Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry: The limelight could fade away

Well, Harry and Meghan have to deliver. The Sussexes face a “challenge” when it comes to their future in the spotlight, says royal expert Jonathan Sacerdoti in an interview with the “Express”. He fears that public interest in the couple could wane if they actually got serious and refrained from chatting about the royal sewing box.

A dash of charity mixed with a little gossip

His tip to Harry and Meghan: The two should work on the right balance between their heart projects and their small indiscretions about the royal family. Sacerdoti is already clear about how things will continue with the two in the near future: “I think we had the first indication of what they were going to do in the future, the documentary series ‘Live to Lead’.” Netflix had already released a trailer for the project in December 2022, which premiered at the turn of the year.

“Exceptional leaders reflect on their legacy and share messages of courage, compassion, humility, hope and generosity,” the streaming service announced the latest Sussex coup at the time. “Inspired by the legendary legacy of Nelson Mandela, ‘Live to Lead’ highlights the core values, daily disciplines and guiding principles that leaders use to motivate others and create meaningful change.”

The fight for attention

Sacerdoti sees the TV event as a signpost for the Sussexes’ future plans: “I think that’s the clue. They want to associate their names with the topics of social change, social action, leadership qualities and the like.” Harry and Meghan are still trying out the new subject. “I’m not sure if it was a success, but it was her first attempt – or maybe her second attempt after the ‘Archetypes’ podcast,” said the royal expert.

According to the journalist, the Royals will not be left with many more attempts. “I suspect they’ll find that the less they engage in royal gossip and soap operas and the more they engage in their other causes, the less attention and audience they get.”

His advice: Harry and Meghan must cleverly continue on their chosen path and spice it up with a subtle pinch of private revelations. “So the challenge is going to be finding a way for them to keep doing so much royal stuff right now [in ihre Projekte] can build in that gets attention, but just enough so that they don’t seem petty and vengeful all the time and manage to talk about the issues that are important to them.”

A fine line that, as things stand today, could potentially pose dangerous stumbling blocks for the Sussexes.

Source used: express.co.uk


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