Duchess Meghan: She has now achieved this partial success in court

Duchess Meghan
She has now achieved this partial success in court

Duchess Meghan has achieved partial success in court

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Duchess Meghan is one step further in the fight against a British publisher: Her personal rights have been violated.

In a legal dispute with a British publisher about the publication of excerpts from a letter to her father – including in the "Mail on Sunday" – Duchess Meghan (39) achieved an important partial success. A London court shares the view of Meghan's lawyers that the publication constitutes a violation of their personal rights, as reported by the BBC, among others.

On the other hand, the court has not yet made a final decision on the extent to which Meghan's copyrights have also been violated by the publication. It is not yet clear whether Meghan was the sole author of the letter. The judge's verdict also means that part of the case will be resolved without trial.

This is how Duchess Meghan reacts

Duchess Meghan has already responded with a statement. Such practices are not new, but have remained without consequence for far too long, according to the Duchess. For the publications, it's "a game. For me and so many others, it's real life, it's real relationships, and it's very real sadness. The damage they have done and continue to do is profound."

Duchess Meghan had sued the editor of "The Mail On Sunday" and "Mail Online" over several articles in which parts of a handwritten letter to her father Thomas Markle (76) had been published.
