DWS launches 4 Xtracker ETFs dedicated to driving innovation in the industries of the future

(Boursier.com) — DWS is launching four Xtracker ETFs that offer investors access to innovation in fintech, genomics and next-generation internet. Moving away from traditional sector classifications, the underlying indices of ETFs select stocks that have a high exposure to technological innovation in their respective areas of interest. The underlying stocks are made up of large, mid and small capitalization companies, from both developed and emerging markets, with a security’s weight in the index depending on market capitalization and stock relevance, measured by the income generated by the selected investment themes. The maximum weighting of each issuer is limited to 4.5% and is adjusted quarterly.

The Xtrackers MSCI Fintech Innovation UCITS ETF focuses on companies operating in the mobile or digital payment market, and digital platforms, among others.

The Xtrackers MSCI Genomic Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF notably includes companies with activities in molecular diagnostics, agricultural biotechnology and bioinformatics.

The Xtrackers MSCI Next Generation Internet Innovation UCITS ETF aims to track an index of companies focused on areas such as cloud computing, internet of things (massive interconnection of devices), machine learning, social media and technology. ‘artificial intelligence.

Finally, the Xtrackers MSCI Innovation UCITS ETF is a unique product made up of these three themes, plus Autonomous Technology and Industrial Innovation.

The ETFs were listed on XETRA on July 19, 2022, and on the London Stock Exchange on July 20, 2022.

The indices tracked by ETFs also follow MSCI’s ESG Screened methodology. Excluded are companies that exceed a certain turnover threshold in areas such as tobacco, fossil fuels and weapons manufacturing, companies with an MSCI ESG rating of “CCC” and companies involved in weapons controversial or nuclear.

“We are seeing a lot of investor interest in thematic ETFs as they are an effective way to capture the growth potential of certain investment trends. Certain segments of the economy have seen rapid technological development, particularly these We want to make the drivers of these innovations accessible to investors with these new Xtrackers ETFs,” said Simon Klein, Global Head of Passive Sales at DWS.

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