Dying Light 2: Techland unveils a roadmap for DLC and updates to come after the release

Since a few weeks, Techland plays the big guns by touting all the merits of his next title, Dying Light 2. After promising a huge lifespan (before specifying things) and lines of dialogue by the thousands, the studio returned to what will happen after the launch of the game, revealing a first roadmap on future content, either as DLC or via updates.

The schedule until this summer

Techland intends to support Dying Light 2 for a long time, since the studio has declared that it plans 5 more years of content after the game’s release.

We discover today some of this additional content with first free DLC in February, centered around the factions of the game, followed by the first challenges in March. By April, we will discover a series of events around the infected, before being entitled to the second set of challenges in May.

The first real big narrative DLC will arrive in June, if all goes well, and will pay off. And if the game works, all this will only be the beginning of a long series of updates.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human will be available on February 4, 2022 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series.

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