Early legislative elections: Raphaël Glucksmann proposes Laurent Berger for the post of Prime Minister

Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: SAMEER AL-DOUMY / AFP
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11:14 a.m., June 11, 2024

Raphaël Glucksmann, who obtained 13.8% in the European elections for the Socialist Party and Place publique, proposed, to the 20H newspaper of France 2, that the former general secretary of the CFDT Laurent Berger become Prime Minister in the event of victory from the left to the early legislative elections.

Raphaël Glucksmann, who obtained 13.8% in the European elections for the Socialist Party and Place publique, proposed that the former general secretary of the CFDT Laurent Berger become Prime Minister in the event of a victory for the left in the early legislative elections on June 30 and July 7.

“I think that there is a figure in civil society who is capable of appeasement, who is the antithesis of the current president, who will not play with institutions, who will reconcile the French, who will carry a project of social justice and ecology. Yes, I am thinking of Laurent Berger,” said Raphaël Glucksmann on France 2.

“It will clearly not be Jean-Luc Mélenchon”

The MEP has ruled out becoming head of government himself. “It will clearly not be Jean-Luc Mélenchon” either, he also added, reiterating the conditions set by the socialists and his party, Place publique, to conclude an agreement with France Insoumise (LFI).

He notably called for “an acceleration of the ecological transition” and “a rejection of the brutality of political life, insults, fake news, slander”, in a clear allusion to the strategy of conflictuality of the political debate chosen by the rebellious leader. “We are not going to remake Nupes”, the New Popular Ecological and Social Union, the alliance formed by the left for the legislative elections of June 2022 which has since exploded under the weight of disagreements. “There has been a reversal of the balance of power. I am leading on the left,” he added. The rebellious list led by Manon Aubry obtained 9.89%.

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