Easter moon on April 16, 2022: 3 zodiac signs on which the pink moon has a magical effect

Pink Moon
3 zodiac signs on which the Easter moon on April 16 has a magical effect

© vovan / Shutterstock

On Saturday, April 16th, right between the days of Easter, there is a full moon. You can read here which signs of the zodiac have the greatest influence according to the horoscope.

As soon as we have digested the new moon, we are already approaching the next significant lunar event: Saturday, April 16th is the full moon, which means half-time in the current lunar cycle. In the evening, around nine o’clock (20:57), our satellite is from our point of view, that is, seen from Earth, directly opposite the sun, so that we can fully see its illuminated, sunlight-reflecting side. The sign of the zodiac in which the moon is at this time is Libra and in this phase it is making a descending movement, meaning it is lower in the sky from day to day.

In German-speaking countries, the full moon in April is traditionally called the Easter Moon because it usually falls during Easter – unless Easter falls in March, but then the full moon can’t do anything for that. The Algonquin people, originally from Canada, christened April’s moon “Pink Moon” in honor of the pink phlox flowers that bloomed in their homeland at this time of year.

According to the horoscope, this year’s Easter Moon, Pink Moon or whatever we like to call it, has an extraordinarily intense effect on the following three zodiac signs.

Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs on which the full moon on April 16 has a magical effect


The Easter moon gives people with the zodiac sign Pisces a lot of inspiration and great courage. A combination that is a great prerequisite for daring real change. Be prepared for the unlikely events that can occur and your life can take a turn that you did not expect – but that you may have subconsciously hoped for a long time.


Anyone born under the sign of the zodiac Leo can assume that their own priorities will be rearranged in the course of the Easter Moon and clarified in an amazing way. You find support from people you never thought of, but who are now proving to be valuable allies. The insights you gain now can have a lasting and positive impact on your life.


The full moon in their sign gives those born in Libra the necessary impulse to free themselves from ballast and to put themselves first. You realize more clearly than ever that if you are always there for others and do everything they want from you, you will fall by the wayside. It is not your job nor is it possible for you to be fair to everyone around you. But if you really internalize this and take it to heart, you can at least do justice to yourself. And that’s worth a lot.

Sources used: mondrausch.com, BRIGITTE two-week horoscope


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