Eco role models: These stars are committed to the environment

What does sustainability and sustainable development mean?

The “Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation” has its own Definition of the term sustainability found: “Sustainability or sustainable development means meeting the needs of the present in such a way that the possibilities of future generations are not restricted. It is important to consider the three dimensions of sustainability – economically efficient, socially just, ecologically viable – on an equal footing. In order to preserve our global resources in the long term, sustainability should be the basis of all political decisions.”

Live sustainably – but how?

If Climate change, pollution, plastic in the sea – we have countless associations when it comes to sustainability. Sustainability concerns us all. In the meantime, it is no longer just a trend, but above all has become a positive attitude towards life. Then live sustainably It’s not that difficult, you just have to find the beginning once. Everyone can take responsibility for their own ecological footprint – and thus also for theirs CO2 emissions – take over. Sustainability works best when we environmental Protection integrate into our everyday life and ours lifestyle rethink. That means consuming less, shopping regionally and seasonally, eating less meat, using LED lamps, cycling, etc. What can each of us do specifically to live sustainably? Discover the best tips on sustainability here.

Can sustainability stop climate change?

Heat waves make us feel the consequences of climate change. But instead of frying in the heat, we should ask ourselves one question above all: What can we do to protect the climate? Everyone can contribute to climate protection. Reasonable measures and solutions to combat climate change include:

There are many other tips that we can use to combat climate change in our everyday lives. Climate protection starts small. And each of us can make a contribution.


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