Editorial. The time of nationalizations

Along with purchasing power and the great replacement, nationalizations are set to be one of the dominant themes of this campaign. Marine Le Pen proposes that of the motorways. Like Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who adds La Française des jeux and airports…

Along with purchasing power and the great replacement, nationalizations are set to be one of the dominant themes of this campaign. Marine Le Pen proposes that of the motorways. Like Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who adds La Française des jeux and the already privatized provincial airports. Unsurprisingly, the communist Fabien Roussel offers a long list like the late Common Program, where the big banks and insurance companies meet. Bruno Le Maire, on the other hand, created a surprise on Tuesday February 15 by evoking a total renationalization of EDF, of which the State still holds 84% ​​of the capital. Bigger! Have the “reds” infiltrated the government? And the Minister of the Economy, who two years ago still wanted to privatize Aéroport de Paris, would he have fired his cuti? This is to forget that nationalization, if it was a matter of dogma for a long time, can also be a matter of pragmatism. And we know that in terms of pragmatism, the members of the team in power, starting with the outgoing president, are not penguins.

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