Egypt-Activist Ramy Shaath to be released from prison-sources

CAIRO, January 3 (Reuters) – Proceedings to free political activist Ramy Shaat, detained in Egypt, are underway, four judicial and security sources said on Monday.

Two of the sources, who prefer to remain anonymous, said the activist would be deported to France on his release.

Former Egyptian deputy Anouar el-Sadat, who has served as mediator in a number of recent releases, said in a statement that Ramy Shaat would be released and expelled.

Ramy Shaath, a member of several political groups in Egypt and co-founder of the Egyptian pro-Palestinian BDS (Boycott, Dsinvestment and Sanctions) movement, was arrested in June 2019 and was in provisional detention pending trial. having helped a terrorist organization.

Ramy Shaath’s French wife, Cline Lebrun Shaath, who was expelled from Egypt after her husband’s arrest, called on the French government to put pressure on Egypt for her release. (Report Haithem Ahmed, Ahmed Mohamed Hassan and Aidan Lewis; French version Camille Raynaud)

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