Egypt: Sissi confirms his candidacy for the December presidential election

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CAIRO (Reuters) – In power since 2014, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al Sissi confirmed on Monday that he would seek a third term in the presidential election scheduled for December, an unsurprising announcement amid a review of the Constitution four years ago paved the way for possible rule until 2030.

This announcement comes as Sissi’s supporters have led a poster campaign and public messages in recent weeks calling on the head of state to run for re-election.

The vote will take place in a context of record inflation in Egypt, where shortages of foreign currencies are also common.

Involved in the military coup against democratically elected president Mohamed Morsi in 2013, Sissi, a former general, won the presidential election the following year with 97% of the vote. He then did the same in 2018.

(Reporting Muhammad Al Gebaly; French version Jean Terzian, edited by Nicolas Delame)


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