Egypt-Two women killed by sharks in the Red Sea

CAIRO, July 3 (Reuters) – Two women have been killed by sharks in Egypt’s Red Sea, south of the resort town of Hurghada, Egypt’s environment minister said on Sunday.

The governorate of the Red Sea, in the south-east of Egypt, had ordered the closure of several tourist beaches on Friday after a deadly shark attack on a 68-year-old woman in Sahl Hasheesh Bay.

Two sources told Reuters that the body of a Romanian tourist, in her 40s, was found hours later.

The first victim, of Austrian origin, married to an Egyptian and living for five years in Egypt, could not be revived after being transferred to hospital, a source told Reuters.

The two attacks reportedly occurred 600 meters apart.

Any activity at sea is now prohibited in this area. (Report Ahmed Mohamed Hassan with the contribution of Moemen Attallah; written by Farah Saafan; French version Sophie Louet)

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