EHPAD Orpéa: alarming testimonies on the mistreatment of patients

For his book “Les Fossoyeurs” (Ed. Fayard), the journalist Victor Castanet collected alarming testimonies on serious shortcomings in the EHPADs managed by the French group Orpéa. The author denounces an obsession with profitability within the private group.

The book describes a system where hygiene care, medical care, and even residents’ meals are “rationed” to improve the company’s profitability. And this while stays are charged at full price.

An auxiliary of life tells for example how much she had to “fight to obtain protections” for the residents.

“Caregivers are limited to two or three sanitary protections per resident per day. People are left unchanged and remain in their urine or stools all day, ”confirms CNEWS Marie, former employee of a Parisian Orpéa residence.

Orpéa falls on the stock market

The book, the good pages of which are published in Le Monde, also returns to the conditions of the death of the writer Françoise Dorin in January 2018, following a badly treated bedsore, less than three months after her entry into one of the establishments of the Orpéa group.

“Such attacks are unfortunately not new but are extremely violent in a context where our teams have been even more mobilized for two years by the health crisis”, deplores Orpeawho indicates that he has seized his lawyers to take “all the necessary steps, including on the legal level”, for the publication of the book in order “to restore the truth of the facts”.

The shock caused by the testimonies reached the National Assembly, where the Socialist deputies asked that parliamentarians be able to have a right of visit in the EHPAD, on the model of what is practiced for places of deprivation. of freedom.

Boss of LR deputies, Damien Abad asked him to implement a general assembly of dependency while attacking the government on its management of the health crisis in nursing homes.

This Tuesday, the title on the stock market of the Orpéa group, world leader in the EHPAD sector, lost more than 16%, before its listing was suspended, at the request of the company.

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