“Ejaculate responsibly”: 8 reasons that get to the heart of the contraceptive gap

Women take the pill, women have the IUD inserted, women worry when it comes to him having condoms with him. Precisely because it is simply the case in our society that contraception is a woman’s responsibility. I didn’t find that all that frightening when I read Gabrielle Blair’s book “Ejaculate Responsibly” in one evening. But what really became clear to me again: We do so much, too much. If we are separated from our partner for a month or two, we still take hormones almost every day in order to have sex on the one weekend when we want to see each other. And maybe we don’t even have any… We accept side effects, even though there are safer, simpler and safer alternatives for men. How come?

In the book, one argument follows the next – it is absolutely captivating and, at least for me, has once again brought me to the bottom of the unfair facts of our society and encouraged us to rethink current patterns. One thing is certain: something urgently needs to change and with the contraceptive gap it wouldn’t be that difficult after all…


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