Elden Ring: These hackers can get you banned with a slip!

The Underworld is populated by malicious peoplebut not all are as creative as the last hack dated. Who would have thought that a simple underpants was capable of causing so much turmoil in a gore game of Dark Fantasy ?

Adventurers ofElden Ringhere’s what you’re exposing yourself to by playing online recklessly!

Beware of overly cuddly NPCs…

How can you lose your account because of a hacked item?

In recent days, many players are temporarily banned, and this for no apparent reason. That’s why Elden Ring fans are wondering what they did wrong. Reddit user “Ok-Communication7125decided to take matters into his own hands and inquired with support about his sudden and unexplained banishment.

The support replied that he was banned because ofa non-playable item : Fia’s underpants. This NPC can be found at the Round Table and offers you hugs in exchange for a quest and a very special consumable. For more information, refer to complete guide to fia.

Hackers are therefore able to mine deep enough in the game to recover an item called “Deathbed Smalls” which turns out to be Fia’s panties. Problem: this item is not supposed to fall into the hands of players in the adventure, there is therefore a security on the servers which alerts the moderators when one of its copies is used.

Our pirate friends then had the brilliant idea of ​​offering these illegally obtained items to other players so that they would be subject to a temporary ban for cheating. The joke could be funny if the penalty ended there, unfortunately the consequences seem much heavier.

Developers coded this cursed item anyway... - Elden Ring
Developers have coded this cursed item anyway…

What risk do players in possession of this item risk?

The player “Ok-Communication7125” reported with dismay that after 220 hours of play, support asked him toerase Elden Ring and its backups. If he does not, he will be completely banned from the online game. for 180 days (source).

If you think you’re safe because you play on console, know that you are not. Unlike the hacks that occurred on Dark Souls 3 earlier this year, all players on all platforms may be affected. Hackers are also finding ways to access data by modifying Xbox Series X and PS5 consoles to give you these items.

To avoid having problems, don’t pick up items from players you don’t know in your world. If a hacker drops this item on you, you can kick him out of your world and restart the game.

Thus, the object in question will disappear and you will not have to worry about picking it up accidentally. As long as you don’t have this item in your inventorynothing can happen to you.

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