Elections 2023 – Disability session gave courage to run for national elections – News


Never before have so many people with disabilities run for national elections. 34 candidates want to have a say.

The concerns of people with disabilities are currently enjoying great public attention. We want to take advantage of this tailwind, says Stefan Schüepp, responsible for politics at the disability organization Pro Infirmis.


The first disability session took place in Switzerland on March 24, 2023.

KEYSTONE/Anthony Anex

Because many concerns have not yet been implemented. As an example, Schüepp cites the Disability Equality Act, which Switzerland brought into force almost ten years ago. According to the law, public transport would have to be barrier-free by the end of this year. This means that even in a wheelchair you should be able to go anywhere by train, bus and tram. The goal will not be achieved, says Schüepp. And politicians have accepted it that way so far.

A fifth of the Swiss population affected

The UN has also reprimanded Switzerland. Switzerland ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities almost ten years ago. Yes, too little of this has been implemented.

Schüepp believes that this reprimand has also given people with disabilities a boost. Last year they demonstrated on Bundesplatz. This spring, 44 people with disabilities held a session in the Federal Palace on the initiative of Pro Infirmis. 44, which corresponds to just over a fifth of all national councils. And according to a BFS health survey, a fifth of the Swiss population lives with a disability, at least temporarily.

Man with two microphones.


Christian Lohr, National Councilor (Center/TG), speaks to the Grand Chamber.

KEYSTONE/Alessandro della Valle

Christian Lohr suspects that the disability session is one of the reasons why people with disabilities want to get involved in politics. The centrist politician is missing his arms and his feet are deformed. He has been a member of the National Council for the canton of Thurgau for twelve years. A lot has changed during this time, he says. His colleagues treated him much more naturally than at the beginning. In terms of content, the council has also become more open to the concerns of people with disabilities. The entire area near the presidium and the lectern is now barrier-free, and you can also get there in a wheelchair.

There needs to be a broad base of people with disabilities in politics in order to be able to represent these concerns credibly and strongly.

But Lohr says that if money had to be spoken for a measure, things would look different: “The attitude then becomes a little more cautious again.” Finances are usually the killer argument. “That’s why we need a broad base of people with disabilities in politics in order to be able to represent these concerns credibly and strongly.”

He is therefore pleased about the many candidates from different cantons and parties who are standing for election.

New generation demands changes

One of them is Simone Leuenberger. The EPP politician is already in the Bernese cantonal parliament and is now running for the National Council.

A large part of my life is controlled by disability because we do not live in an inclusive world.

A Disability Equality Act and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities have existed for a long time, but neither has been implemented: “We are disappointed and realize that something has to be done again.” A new generation is now demanding changes. Leuenberger repeatedly notices that many people don’t know how people with disabilities live or what they need. “A large part of my life is controlled by disability because we do not live in an inclusive world.” Inclusive means that every person can participate in normal everyday life as they are.

Woman in front of a desk


Simone Leuenberger on the occasion of the Arena for the disabled session in March 2023.

SRF/Gian Vaitl

Leuenberger no longer wants to always have to check whether she can even attend an event with her wheelchair. That should become a given.

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