electric, cargo or classic, everything that changes for your 2024 bonus

Aid extended until the end of 2026, income ceilings reviewed and corrected, an extension of the bicycle bonus to second-hand cycles, a boost for the bonus dedicated to cargo bicycles… The “bicycle bonus” has had a makeover in mid-February, and these changes are valid for 3 years!

THE decree of February 12published in Official newspaper of February 13, 2024, made numerous changes to incentives for low or no polluting transport: ecological bonus for low polluting cars, social leasing, conversion bonus, etc. And this decree also disrupted the system of aid for the acquisition of bicycles, whether electric, classic or cargo.

First new feature: the bike bonus in its entirety is extended until December 31, 2026. Several extensions of this bonus have also been decided. The bonus is on the one hand extended to second-hand cycles provided that they are sold via a professional or an identified organization, clearly excluding sales from individual to individual. On the other hand, following this decree published in mid-February, the ecological bonus for buying a cargo bike (or electric trailer for bicycle, or a bicycle adapted to the handicap) can rise to 2,000 euros, subject to resource conditions.

The reference tax income ceilings (RFR) are also changing. The thresholds go from 6,358 euros to 7,100 euros, and from 14,089 euros to 15,400 euros. Here is how these resource ceilings are structured:

What cycling assistance, depending on your income?
For what purchase?RFR per share less than or equal to €7,100
(or individual with a disability)
RFR per share less than or equal to €15,400
Classic bike150 € maximum
Electrically assisted bicycle (VAE)400 € maximum300 € maximum
Folding, cargo, recumbent or handicapped electric bike€2,000 maximum€1,000 maximum
Non-electric folding, cargo, recumbent or handicapped bike€2,000 maximum€1,000 maximum
Electric trailer€2,000 maximum€1,000 maximum
Aid capped at 40% of the purchase cost

Source: Decree No. 2024-102 of February 12, 2024 relating to aid for the purchase or rental of low-polluting vehicles
More details on Jeunes.gouv.fr

THE bicycle bonus conditionsthey do not change:

  • all aid is capped at 40% of the purchase cost, but you can combine the bicycle bonus with the conversion bonus, of 3,000 euros maximum (for the purchase of an e-bike in exchange for the scrapping of ‘an old motor vehicle)
  • you can only benefit from the bike bonus once,
  • All this aid concerns new or used bicycles sold by a professional and identified.

How to claim your bonus, for a classic or electric bike?

Simply submit your request online on the website primealaconversion.gouv.fr. At the bottom of the home page, click on “a cycle” for details or simulations.

To claim the bonus, click on “submit your request” at the top, then connect to the form via FranceConnect to identify yourself. You will need to attach the requested documents: copy of the electric bike purchase invoice; proof of identity; copy of your last tax notice; proof of address dated less than 3 months; proof of disability if applicable.

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