Electricity: “The State will take part of the bill for companies”, announces Agnès Pannier-Runacher

This measure, which should come into force in 2023, should come to the aid of companies hit hard by the surge in energy prices.

At a time when prices are soaring, we won’t let manufacturers close, we won’t let businesses down», assured Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister of Energy Transition, Sunday October 23 on BFMTV. To cope with soaring energy prices, the Minister proposed to set up “an electricity guaranteeto help businesses. The latter mustpay part of the bills“.

Still debated within the financing bill, the measure should come into force for 2023. “The so-called Arenh part, which gives access to an invoice of around 50 euros per megawatt, is already protected and on the remaining 50%, we will take part of the cost between a reference price and the reality of the prices paid by companies“, detailed the minister, before adding that the government’s priority was to protect all small and medium-sized businesses.

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