Elizabeth II: a few hours before Prince Philip’s funeral, we had fun in Downing Street

It’s time to apologize for Downing Street, which recently wanted to be forgiven after having a party … the day before Prince Philip’s funeral.

The facts took place in April 2021, but it was only recently that Downing Street apologized to Queen Elizabeth II. I have to say that the timing was very badly chosen and this for many reasons. On April 16, 2021, several collaborators of Prime Minister Boris Johnson – who this time was not present – indeed celebrated the departure of two of their as reported by several sources, namely The Telegraph but also the deputy editor of the Sun and a Boris Johnson photographer. The party continued until the early morning of the 17th for the thirty people who found themselves in the gardens of Downing Street, who have definitely been talking about them lately.

The revelers had even sent someone to buy bottles of wine with, to easily transport them… a suitcase. In short, as much to say that the atmosphere had to be more festive, but only in the gardens of the official residence of Downing Street. Yes, because elsewhere in the country, these are Prince Philip’s funeral being prepared. Prince Philip died on April 9, 2021 at the age of 99, ending the royal couple who, for 73 years, appeared together at the head of the United Kingdom. The funeral was scheduled for April 18, which is why a spokesperson for Boris Johnson spoke on Friday, January 7, 2022, to apologize to the royal family and in particular to Queen Elizabeth.

Boris Johnson multiplies the apologies

It is deeply regrettable that this took place at a time of national mourning, and 10 Downing Street has apologized to the Palace“explained the spokesperson for the Prime Minister. In addition to having taken place while the country was mourning the husband of the sovereign, this party also violated all the precautions put in place against the spread of Covid-19. In April 2021, the English could not see more than six people outside, so as much to say that the small starting pot from Downing Street greatly exceeded this figure. Enough to put Boris Johnson even more in turmoil since, although absent at this party, the curator has already apologized recently for his presence at another party, in 2020 this time.


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2/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
The party took place on the evening of April 16

© Agency

3/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
Relatives of Boris Johnson celebrated the retirement of 2 of them

© Agency

4/21 –

Elizabeth ii
The Prime Minister was not present

© Zuma Press

5/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
They were about thirty at the party


6/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
The evening dragged on


7/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
They partied till dawn


8/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
10 Downing Street issued an apology in early January 2022


9/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
They were still partying on the morning of April 17


10/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
Prince Philip’s funeral took place on April 17.

© Agency

11/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
Prince Philip died on April 9, 2021.

© Agency

12/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
He was 99

© Agency

13/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
It was inappropriate to have a party that day or even the day before


14/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
The country was also in containment


15/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
People were not allowed to see more than 6 people outside


16/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
The revelers didn’t follow the rules


17/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
They were singled out

© Agency

18/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
They issued a public apology

© Imago

19/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
Boris Johnson is still in turmoil


20/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
He already had to apologize for another party

© Imago

21/21 –

Prince Philip’s funeral
He had attended a party in 2020

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