Elizabeth II moves with her Christmas speech: the omnipresent Prince Philip, poignant tribute

For Elizabeth ii, 2021 will remain the year of the first times! The Queen of England, for example, is living her first Christmas without her late husband, Prince Philip. She paid him a touching tribute in her annual address.

Although it is a time of happiness and merriment for many, Christmas can be difficult for those who have lost loved ones. This year, in particular, I understand why“Said the Queen on Saturday, December 25, 2021. For New Years Eve, Elizabeth II addressed her subjects in a speech broadcast on television. Dressed in a red dress, with a brooch in tribute to her late husband, and Sitting at a desk (with a photo of her and Prince Philip on it), the 95-year-old monarch had a thought for her missing husband.

Since the death of my dear Philip, I have taken great comfort in the many warm and loving tributes to his life and work, from across the country, the Commonwealth and the world., continues Elizabeth II. His sense of service, his intellectual curiosity and his ability to draw humor from any situation was irrepressible. That mischievous glow was as bright at the end as when I first laid eyes on it. But of course, life is made of final separations like first encounters; and although I and my family miss him, I know he would like us to have a good Christmas.

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