Elon Musk: Tesla boss is taking time out on Twitter

Elon Musk
Tesla boss is taking time out on Twitter

Elon Musk has apparently had enough of Twitter

© vasilis asvestas / Shutterstock.com

Elon Musk is tired of Twitter. The Tesla boss said goodbye to the short message service – at least temporarily.

The richest person on the planet is taking a Twitter break: Tesla boss Elon Musk (49) put one of his on Tuesday usual short posts: "Away from Twitter for a while." A few hours earlier, he published a short video that documented the construction progress of his gigawerk near Berlin. Why he is temporarily saying goodbye to the short message service is not known.

In June 2020, he announced a Twitter break with the same wording. At that time, however, his plan only lasted a few days. Recently, Musk repeatedly caused price fluctuations on the stock market with his tweets. Musk also got involved in the controversy over Gamestop shares. The native South African replaced Amazon boss Jeff Bezos (57) as the richest person in the world in early 2021. His fortune is estimated at more than 150 billion euros.
