Emeis: AG in sight

Photo credit © Orpea

(Boursier.com) — The Combined General Meeting (ordinary and extraordinary) of the shareholders of the companyEmeis ex-ORPEA SA will be held on Tuesday June 25, 2024 at 9:30 a.m., at the Maison de l’Artisanat, 12 avenue Marceau 75008 Paris, France.
The notice of meeting, including the agenda, draft resolutions, as well as the terms of participation and voting at the General Meeting, was published today in the Bulletin d’Annonces Légales Obligatoire (BALO).

This notice of meeting as well as the documents and preparatory information relating to the General Meeting, in particular referred to in article R. 22-10-23 of the Commercial Code, can be consulted on the Company’s website at the address following: https://www.emeis-group.com/orpea-sa/actionnaires/assemblees-generales/.

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