Emily Blunt: Public apology for ‘anti-fat’ remark

Emily Blunt
Public apology for “anti-fat” remark

Actress Emily Blunt apologizes for a 2012 comment.

© lev radin/Shutterstock.com

Emily Blunt has to apologize for “anti-fat” comments after a clip from 2012 resurfaces.

Caught up by the past: After a clip from ITV’s The Jonathan Ross Show, which originally aired in 2012, resurfaced online Emily Blunt (40) has now commented on this. The British actress apologized for her “insensitive,” “anti-fat” remark. In the clip, she called a waitress “tremendous.” The clip sparked a flood of online comments.

Emily Blunt: “I’m very sorry”

“I just have to address this head-on because my jaw dropped when I saw that clip from twelve years ago,” she told People magazine. And further: “I am horrified that I said something so insensitive and hurtful that has nothing to do with the story I wanted to tell on a talk show.” The award-winning artist was invited to talk about her science fiction film “Looper” (2012).

In the current interview, she expressed her shock: “I’ve always seen myself as someone who wouldn’t dream of upsetting anyone. Whatever made me say something like that at that moment is for me and for everything “What I stand for is incomprehensible,” said Blunt. “And yet it happened, and I said it, and I’m very sorry that I hurt anyone. I was old enough and should have known better,” she added.

The incident occurred during a conversation about a US restaurant on the show. She told the host: “When you go to Chili’s, you can see why so many of our American friends are so formidable. The girl who served me was formidable.”


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