Emmanuel Macron announces the dissolution of the Assembly following the historic score of the RN

Jean-Luc Mélenchon believes that the president “was right to dissolve” and declares: “We do not fear the people”, calling for union on the left

The leader of La France insoumise (LFI), Jean-Luc Mélenchon, spoke earlier than expected, after Emmanuel Macron’s surprise announcement, and after the “rebellious” list obtained 9.5 % of votes cast based on latest estimate.

“After the results as announced, and even though they are incomplete, France has entered a new political moment, the worst moment”he said as a preamble to his ten-minute speechregretting the scores of the far right whose parties across Europe “scored considerable points”.

“Therefore, the President of the Republic has just suffered an absolute setback”, with the score of the presidential list given very far behind the National Rally (RN), he continued, castigating what the rise of the far right imposes: “Is irreconcilable the vision of a France from which would be eliminated those who belong to this or that religion, or who have this or that religion, or who do not correspond to the standards set by society (…) with the new France »creolized, which Jean-Luc Mélenchon defends.

The chief “rebel” continued by regretting that Emmanuel Macron is not put his mandate on the line”instead of “dissolve the National Assembly, that is to say, send home the only ones who had legitimacy until that time, greater than its own”. “But we must admit that he was right to dissolve. For what ? Because he no longer has any legitimacy to continue his policy (…) the system of social mistreatment »estimated Mr. Mélenchon.

“Since there is an election, [c’est l’occasion] to reaffirm very loudly and very loudly that when we are “rebellious” and “rebellious”, we do not fear the people. It’s the opposite, we have confidence in him”added the creator of LFI, who spoke in front of activists at the HQ of the “rebels” in Paris.

Calling for strong mobilization on June 30 and July 7, he castigated those on the left who refused to ally themselves for this European election, and participated in the far-right victory. “We won the first round of the 2022 legislative elections (…) we can win it again! »he added on behalf of the left, calling for unity to beat the extreme right, “if we are able to understand that France is not expecting confusion, small talk (…) and alliances that we betray at the first opportunity.”

source site-29