Emmanuel Macron announces the dissolution of the National Assembly following the historic score of the RN

The RN comes well ahead of the European elections according to initial estimates, ahead of Renaissance and PS-Place publique

The list carried by Jordan Bardella (National Rally) comes well ahead of the votes cast on Sunday in France, with 31.5%, followed by that carried by Valérie Hayer for the presidential camp (Renaissance), which reaches 15.2%, close behind. by that of Raphaël Glucksmann (Socialist Party-Place publique), who obtained 14% of the votes, according to Ipsos estimates for France Télévisions, Radio France, France 24/RFI, Public Senate/LCP National Assembly.

The list of La France insoumise, carried by Manon Aubry, follows by gathering 8.7% of the votes cast, while that carried by François-Xavier Bellamy (Les Républicains) wins 7.2% of the votes, ahead of Marion Maréchal (Reconquête! ), which obtained 5.5%, followed by the list carried by Marie Toussaint for Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, which narrowly reached the 5% threshold, with 5.2% of the votes.

The rest of the lists did not reach the minimum threshold of 5% to send elected officials to Strasbourg (PCF, Rural Alliance, Animalist Party, etc.).

Participation is increasing and reaches 52.5%, more than 2 points more than in 2019.

source site-29