Emmanuel Macron interviewed by Hugo Décrypte: the interview breaks audience records on YouTube

Julien Pichené, with Solène Delinger

Monday September 4, back to school day, Emmanuel Macron gave an exclusive interview to YouTubeur Hugo Travers, alias Hugo Décrypte. An interview during which the President of the Republic notably returned to the ban on wearing the abaya at school. On YouTube, the video of this face-to-face is a hit and already has more than a million views…

The million for Emmanuel Macron! No, the President of the Republic did not play the millionaire… But the interview he gave on Monday, back to school day, to YouTuber Hugo Travers, alias Hugo Décrypte, exceeded the million mark on Tuesday evening. of views.

The quality of maintenance sometimes criticized

The YouTuber notably questioned the head of state on the hot topic of this return to school: the ban on wearing the abaya in schools. “From kindergarten to the baccalaureate, the school is secular and there is no place for the religious sign”, assured Emmanuel Macron.

The quality of this interview devoted to young people and their future has sometimes been criticized. Telerama for example, regrets to see that Hugo Décrypte, whose political interviews had already been a hit during the presidential elections of 2017 and 2022, has taken up the codes of formatted television, and that he has not been able to impose his style.

But in 36 hours, the video has already totaled more than a million views. Hugo Travers could achieve his best score there on YouTube, which so far remains his interview with Éric Zemmour last year, and which had totaled 1.9 million views.

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