Emmanuel Macron promised, four months ago, that there would be no vaccination pass in France?

ARCHIVES – On LCI this Sunday, Louis Aliot highlighted the president’s promises never to set up a vaccination pass. If Emmanuel Macron had indeed guaranteed it a year ago, at the start of the vaccination campaign, the discourse has since changed.

By wanting to introduce the vaccine pass, is the government going against its promises? This is what Louis Aliot assured in the program Le Grand Jury, this Sunday, December 19. Qualifying the management of the crisis as “clumsy”, the elected representative of the National Rally continued: “I remind you that Mr. Macron and others have nevertheless said that there would never be a vaccination pass in France. There is what … three or four months. Today, there is the vaccination pass” .

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Much has been said in two years of crisis and many contradictions have been brought to the fore. With 9 televised speeches since March 2020, Emmanuel Macron gave an overview of the epidemic, its evolution and the various measures decided to contain it. The president therefore inevitably mentioned the hypothesis of a vaccination certificate.

December 2020: “The vaccine will not be compulsory”

An eventuality which, considering that it can be summed up in “a disguised form of vaccine obligation”, as assumed by Olivier Véran, had been dismissed in December 2020. “I said it, I repeat it: the vaccine will not be compulsory. Let us have confidence in our researchers and doctors. We are the country of the Enlightenment and of Pasteur, reason and science must guide us”, Emmanuel Macron wrote on social networks, on the first day of the vaccination campaign in France.

Words more than clear, but made a year ago and not there “three or four months”, as Louis Aliot argued. At the beginning of the year, Emmanuel Macron had mentioned – this time precisely – the idea of ​​a vaccination certificate and had again rejected it, given the low vaccination coverage of the population. “If we manage to reopen certain places, we would not be able to condition their access to vaccination, even though we would not have even opened vaccination to the youngest”, he insisted on February 25 on the sidelines of a European Council.

During the period targeted by the elected RN, that is to say in the summer, what was the president’s position on the vaccination pass? It was during his speech on July 12 that Emmanuel Macron announced the health pass and the compulsory vaccination of caregivers. And began to take a very different stance indicating that“depending on the evolution of the situation we will undoubtedly have to ask ourselves the question of compulsory vaccination for all French people.” Then : “You have understood it, vaccination is not immediately compulsory for everyone, but we are going to extend the health pass as much as possible to encourage as many of you as possible to get vaccinated “. In other words, the possibility of a vaccination pass, and therefore of an obligation to vaccinate for all, was no longer a heresy for the Head of State.

Read also

  • Covid-19: which are the countries in Europe where the vaccination pass is already a reality?
  • Covid-19: Has Olivier Véran changed his mind about the health pass and vaccination?

But by delving into the archives, we realize that Emmanuel Macron was not the only one to give his opinion on the vaccination pass in recent months. Olivier Véran, for his part, had the opportunity just a month ago to reaffirm that the government was not implementing a vaccination pass by reducing the validity of the tests to 24 hours to integrate them into the health pass. Words taken up this weekend by Internet users accusing him of dishonesty. A text surrounding the vaccination certificate will be presented to the Council of Ministers on January 5.

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