Emmanuel Macron re-elected? “France will be expelled from the top ten world powers”, warns Hortefeux

Solene Delinger
, modified to

11:30 a.m., January 30, 2022

Brice Hortefeux was the guest of the “Grand Rendez-Vous” this Sunday on Europe 1 and CNews. At the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk, the MEP warned against the probable re-election of Emmanuel Macron as President of the Republic. According to him, alternation is absolutely necessary otherwise “France will be expelled from the top ten world powers in the next ten years”.


Brice Hortefeux is sounding the alarm. Less than three months before the first round of the presidential election, the MEP criticized the record, according to him disastrous, of Emmanuel Macron. Guest of the “Grand Rendez-Vous” this Sunday on Europe 1 and CNews, he estimated that the policy of the President of the Republic would end up expelling our country from the top ten world powers.

A failure on several levels

“With this same policy, with these same teams, I assure you, in the next ten years, France will be expelled from the top ten world powers”, he declared at the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk. For Brice Hortefeux, the mandate of Emmanuel Macron is indeed a “failure”. “It’s a social failure. I refer you to the yellow vests. It’s a migratory failure. Our country has never welcomed so many foreigners in its entire history. It’s a security failure. The fights have increased by 60%. It is also a failure in terms of debt. We have increased our debt by 700 billion”, lists Brice Hortefeux, thus castigating the “whatever the cost”.

Valérie Pécresse to get France out of the impasse

The MEP believes that only alternation with Valérie Pécresse, the candidate of the Republicans, can get France out of the impasse in which it finds itself: “There must be an alternation, and this alternation is Valerie Pécresse”. The latter has not yet received the support of Nicolas Sarkozy, to whom Brice Hortefeux is close.

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