Emmanuel Macron severely criticized by a minister … who thought his microphone was off


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Emmanuel Macron was strongly criticized by a minister during the implementation of the culture pass, in particular for his announcement on Twitter, but she thought her microphone was off.

On January 31, Emmanuel Macron announced the implementation of the culture pass in a rather special way. On Twitter, the President of the Republic posted a photo of a post-it where one could read: “Opening of the culture pass to 15-16-17 year olds. Do.” Around, books as diverse as varied as the Memoirs of de Gaulle, the story of the interviews granted Hubert Germain, a work by the historian Hélène Carrère d’Encausse and the last volume of the manga One Piece. With Internet users, this curious staging was very diverted and mocked by Internet users and political opponents of Emmanuel Macron.

But we learn this February 9 that in the ranks of the president, this tweet was not very well received either. On the social network, the political journalist Nils Wilcke reports the not very complimentary remarks that a minister would have had… Thinking that his microphone was off: “Macron’s post-it on the culture pass was mocked on the networks and… in the government. Secretary of State Sarah El Haïry, believing her microphone was off, let loose in a meeting, speaking of a ‘fiasco of the president’ reports Le Canard. Macron must be happy…“, can we read. It remains to be seen how Emmanuel Macron will welcome this news.

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The culture pass, késaco?

First intended for young people aged 18, the culture pass has been extended to 15/16/17 year olds. The goal ? Allocate a sum to teenagers to enable them to have access to cultural places and cultural goods. On the Pass culture mobile application, people aged 15 can benefit from €20 and €30 for 16/17 year olds. On the 18-year-old side, they can have an amount of €300 over 24 months.

Maylis Casse

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