Emmanuel Macron: this “moderate” of the left that he chose as his right arm

This Saturday, January 1, a new episode begins for Emmanuel Macron who begins his presidency of the European Union, at least until the presidential election. In this new adventure, the President of the Republic has decided to count on Clément Beaune, a man of the moderate left whose The world paint the picture.

Starting this Saturday, January 1, the French presidency of the European Union, Emmanuel Macron propels on the scene one of his ministers who had so far remained quite discreet, but who will finally have his hour of glory, Clement Beaune. Since July 2020, it is Secretary of State for European Affairs. In this new adventure, he will be one of the main allies of the Head of State. “I want to cross swords, to debate, to make my contribution”, confides in The world this Saturday, January 1, the 40-year-old politician who seems to have the right profile to fulfill this mission to perfection and to support it as it should. “I don’t really like this image of good student. Maybe because I am… I prefer that of good soldier, explains the one who should notably help the President to write the speech he will give to the European Parliament on January 19.

Behind the scenes, Clément Beaune reveals another face and would be one of the few to try to bring Emmanuel Macron back to his left, with a view to a possible new candidacy for the presidential election. We must not forget that before joining La République en Marche, the former Enarque was a socialist. The Secretary of State would advocate for this potential campaign to be “More reassuring than rupture” and more focused on youth and education. He also fears a strong abstention from the left if a possible face to face Macron-Pécresse takes place next April. “We will have to convince this electorate that we are not a soft LR”, launches in the columns of the World the one who has never forgotten his political roots, moderate left.

> Discover in photos the amazing looks of Emmanuel Macron

© Jacques Witt / Pool / BestimageThe Secretary of State for European Affairs, Clément Beaune, at a press conference, in Paris, December 9, 2021

A former collaborator of Jean-Marc Ayrault

In 2011 he is a “Little hand” of François Hollande’s campaign, which he supported because he was, according to him, the only one capable of “Make unity on the left”. Budget advisor to Jean-Marc Ayrault in Matignon, he was less a fan of his successor, Manuel Valls. “I did not like his form of brutality, harshness in the speech. Me, I’m a moderate indecrottable, he confides in the columns of World. Jean-Marc Ayrault returns his affection and loyalty to him. He is proud that he was able to impose himself so much on the current head of state without walking too much on his beds. ” By definition it was not obvious, because a Minister of European Affairs is always wedged between the reserved domain of the President of the Republic and the authority of the Minister of Foreign Affairs ”, analysis about him the former Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault with whom he remained close.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Photo credits: Jacques Witt / Pool / Bestimage

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