Emmanuel Macron will spend two days in Limousin, “listening” to rurality

The Head of State will travel with several ministers to present his results in the rural world but will not make any announcements.

Emmanuel Macron is going to Limousin on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 January to present his results in the rural world, on subjects such as white areas, the return of public services or medical deserts, sensitive points in the run-up to the presidential election. . The Head of State will travel in the company of a skewer of ministers: Jacqueline Gourault (Cohesion of territories and Relations with local authorities), Olivier Véran (Solidarities and Health) Julien Denormandie (Agriculture and Food), Amélie de Montchalin ( Transformation and Public Service) and Joël Giraud (Ruralism).

After Cher and Allier in mid-December, then Aisne and the North in mid-January, the Head of State and quasi-candidate will begin this new regional tour via Creuse, in Ahun (1,400 inhabitants) and Bourganeuf ( 2700 inhabitants), then on Tuesday Haute-Vienne, in Saint Léonard-de-Noblat (4600 inhabitants) and finally Oradour-sur-Glane to decorate the last survivor of the massacre committed by the SS in 1944. He will be “listening“territories but does not provide for announcements, specifies the Elysée.

“Take additional steps”

One “Rural Agendalaunched in 2017 by the executive was93.5% completed or committed“, according to the Élysée, which agrees that a part is “still under constructionas shown by the lack of doctors or the persistence of white areas. La Creuse has also benefited from a “particular planof 57 million euros. Among the achievements, the Elysée highlights the opening of houses “France services– already 2,000 open in France, each of which includes at least nine public services – as well as the creation ofterritorial volunteers in administration“, jobs subsidized by the State to the tune of 15,000 euros per year.

Main black spot, the lack of doctors. La Creuse has one of the lowest medical densities in the region and the number of general practitioners decreased by 13% in 2017, said the Elysée. This subject will be addressed by the Head of State during a round table on Monday in Bourganeuf. The whole question remains to convince young graduate doctors, who most often prefer to settle in town. “The President will ask the question of taking further stepsto encourage them to settle there becausethe efforts made to create nursing homes do not fill the demographic gap“, indicate his advisers. Candidate LR Valérie Pécresse suggested creating a compulsory 4th year in medical deserts for medical students.

In Ahun, he will go to an agricultural high school to talk about youth employment, in Bourganeuf in a multidisciplinary health center and in Haute-Vienne he will visit one of the 19 France Services houses in the department then a shared space in Saint-Leonard-de- Noblet. In Oradour-sur-Glane he will decorate Robert Hebras, the last survivor of the massacre of June 10, 1944. In Aubusson, he will also decorate André Chandernagor, the 100-year-old former Minister of European Affairs under François Mitterrand.

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