Enshrouded: gameplay for the medieval cooperative Action-RPG

Keen Games unveiled last month Enshrouded, a cooperative action role-playing game in a medieval fantasy world. Players will embody different classes of characters who will have to face the threats stemming from a mysterious fog that descends on the region.

Waiting to be able to get my hands on Enshrouded, Keen Games today unveils a new trailer with gameplay, focusing mainly on the combat system. Players shouldn’t be too lost, with an enemy locking mechanic, parries and an opponent’s stamina gauge to break before inflicting heavy damage. We will have access to various weapons such as swords, axes and heavy hammers for melee, but also bows and magic wands. It will take at least all of this to deal with the dangerous wildlife and the various enemy factions.

Enshrouded will also have a small strategic side, with preparation before the fights. It will be necessary to use boosts, food or even potions to defeat opponents a little easier. In addition to combat, players will be able to enjoy exploration phases with tunnels to dig, walls to climb with a grappling hook or even distance to cover while gliding. It will also be necessary to rely on a system of levels, from crafting and even multiplayer up to 16 online, on dedicated servers.

Enshrouded is still expected sometime in 2023in Early Access on PC through Steam.

Writer – Tester

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