Environment and sustainability – Unnecessary packaging material stays in stores in the canton of Jura – News


Bigger shops have to keep unnecessary packaging and collect it separately. A law provides that.

A cucumber shrink-wrapped in plastic, three shower products in action in a multipack, wrapped in plastic, and a ready-made meal also put in a cardboard sleeve: the canton of Jura has identified such unnecessary packaging.


Not only with vegetables: you can find superfluous packaging in every department.


All shops with an area of ​​more than 200 square meters are now obliged to take back excess packaging material and collect it separately. With this law one wants to increase the pressure to do without unnecessary packaging, says Christophe Badertscher from the Jurassic Office for the Environment.

Make a statement and save your wallet

If customers leave packaging material behind, they would set an example and save money at the same time because the chargeable garbage bags at home are less filled with plastic, says Badertscher.

The shops also welcomed the new law. At least nobody wants to express themselves negatively. It is time not only to talk about environmental protection, but also to make a contribution. The example can set an example. A corresponding postulate was also adopted in the Grand Council in Valais. It is therefore quite possible that unpacking tables will soon no longer only be available in the canton of Jura at shop exits instead of packing tables.

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