EPISODE 1 – The sounds of the cities of the world: in Bangalore, in the south of India, the sound of the dosa resounds

Côme Bastin, edited by Laura Laplaud / Photo credit: MANJUNATH KIRAN / AFP
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07:52, August 16, 2023

This week, Europe 1 takes you on a journey. Thanks to our correspondents abroad who immerse you in the other side of the world, discover a series on the sounds of the cities of the world. Episode 1: Bangalore, the capital of the state of Karnataka in southern India.

After having made you discover the key professions of the summer season, Europe 1 immerses you this week in an auditory series. Close your eyes and open your ears to discover the sounds of cities around the world. For this first episode, immersion in the city of Bangalore, capital of the state of Karnataka in southern India.

“On sunny days, we can sell 1,000!”

For the correspondent of Europe 1, the noise of the city could be that of the cooking plates of the kitchens. These plates which cook from six o’clock in the morning the dosa, an Indian pancake which can be served for breakfast or during a meal. “All generations, all communities are welcome here to eat the dosa. On sunny days, we can sell 1,000 of them!” reports the owner of the establishment.

“It’s really the dish that comforts me”

This typical pancake from South India is also attractive for its advantageous price: one euro. Thousands of restaurants serve it at any time of the day and offer it in all its flavors: mustard, coriander, cheese… “I love the crispy texture of this dough. It is accompanied by coconut sauces or with mint. It’s inimitable. It’s not expensive. It’s really the dish that comforts me”, testifies this Indian woman.

La dosa brings together the entire population of Bangalore, India’s Silicon Valley: from tuk-tuk drivers to startuppers, from groups of students to mothers in sari. In the end, this sound is a bit like the fuel of the city.

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