Éric Dupond-Moretti and Isabelle Boulay: the couple finally meet again! : Current Woman The MAG

If we stick to the title of Frédéric Beigbeder's film, Love lasts three years, the couple formed by Eric Dupond-Moretti and Isabelle Boulay are not expected to spend the year. However, not all long-distance relationships are doomed. According to the December 20, 2020 edition of JDD, "The Ogre du Nord" will be reunited with his dear and loving Isabelle Boulay after several months of separation. "The Keeper of the Seals, Éric Dupond-Moretti, will find his partner, the singer Isabelle Boulay, whom he has not seen for three months. They will stay in Paris ", reveal our colleagues.

The interpreter of Talk to me shares the life of a magistrate who has become a politician since 2016. A man that his ex-partner had described, during a report on BFM TV in October 2020, as "tiring, demanding and stressed"These presumed character traits and busy schedules will not have prevented the two lovers from getting along. And reuniting for Christmas, although the conditions will be particular in 2020.

Isabelle Boulay, still very much in love

Living with a media figure like Eric Dupond-Moretti is no easy task. Isabelle Boulay revealed on December 7, 2020 in Week of 4, a Quebec talk show, that the couple rarely find alone. "We are still under escort. A policeman opens the door for us when we enter our house and another goes to inspect the stairs. We are well protected", explained the ex-girlfriend of producer Marc-André Chicoine, with whom she had a son. However, this situation does not hamper his love for the former French lawyer. The Canadian singer knows how to show up when needed. "I am the person who accompanies him in his life, but it is his life. I am not proud of that thing. I try to be there for him, as a lover is there for her lover ", she added, always during this interview.

There were rumors that the atmosphere would be tense within the couple. Éric Dupond-Moretti brushes aside all speculation concerning his intimate life, and, despite their physical separation, claims a good deal. "I'll tell you, I just got it ten minutes ago, she repeats, she's in concert tonight in Ottawa at a place called Parliament Hill ", had he assured in We are live, in September 2020.

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