Eric Zemmour on BFMTV: “Many places refused to host the show”


Eric Zemmour, the candidate of the “Reconquest” movement in the presidential election, will he be able to speak to the French eye to eye? The candidate convicted of incitement to hatred is the guest of the BFMTV political program on Wednesday evening France in the eyes. A program that must relocate to a town chosen by the guest. But setting up the show with Eric Zemmour is proving complicated, as its presenter Bruce Toussaint explains to Europe 1.

During the first issue of the show, devoted to Valérie Pécresse, the candidate of the Republicans had chosen the town of Uzerche, in Corrèze. Eric Zemmour chose his department of birth, Seine-Saint-Denis. But, this time, the city of the recording studio was voluntarily not revealed by the chain. “The show was to take place in Montreuil. Finally it was relocated, since the place which was to welcome us canceled us, under pressure from the mayor of Montreuil”, details Europe 1 Bruce Toussaint. “To avoid any last-minute worries, we won’t say where it is until the last moment.”

Eric Zemmour facing the citizens of Seine-Saint-Denis

“We have a television show to put on in conditions that are difficult, because the reality is that many places have refused to host this show. This will be my first question, since the context plays a lot too: the reality of Eric Zemmour’s campaign is that it arouses this”, continues the journalist who replaces Jean-Jacques Bourdin at the presentation.

To accompany Bruce Toussaint against Eric Zemmour, a group of citizens of Seine-Saint-Denis of different ages, origins and backgrounds will be present on set. They will ask questions to the candidate on different topics. Journalist Ashley Chevalier will be responsible for introducing these citizens to viewers and the far-right candidate.

Bruce Toussaint, “a player who was on the bench”

Initially, this program was hosted by Jean-Jacques Bourdin, who had also conducted the first prime of France in the eyes with Valerie Pécresse. But, following accusations of sexual assault, the journalist was suspended from broadcasting while the investigation was carried out. “Marc-Olivier Fogiel, the general manager of BFMTV, called me a few minutes before the release of a press release”, tells us Bruce Toussaint. “He explained to me the reasons for the suspension of Jean-Jacques Bourdin and announced to me in stride that I was going to replace him for this show.”

“To be very honest, he didn’t ask me too much for my opinion, but it was tacit between us. And I was very happy to take up this challenge”, adds the journalist. “Yes, the conditions are special. Of course. But I’m a bit like a player who was on the bench and who comes onto the pitch because a player is prevented from playing a match. In these cases, we get up and take over, without asking questions.

France in the eyes with Eric Zemmour is broadcast live Wednesday evening at 8:50 p.m. on BFMTV.

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