Erotic literature: with these 10 book tips it gets hot

Erotic literature
These 10 book tips will get you in the mood

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Erotic literature is a great way to take a break and spend some cozy hours. We’ll tell you here which ten works shouldn’t be missing on your bedside table.

Erotic literature has been extremely popular not just since “Fifty Shades Of Gray”. And why not ?! The tingling stories full of love and passion stimulate our imagination. It doesn’t matter whether you enjoy them for yourself or help your own love life on the go – the main thing is that they make you feel good. With these book tips, you can do it by itself.

Erotic literature: ten book tips for enjoyable hours

“The Delta of Venus” by Anaïs Nin

The work “The Delta of Venus” by the writer Anaïs Nin, published in 1977, is almost a classic of erotic literature. 15 short stories are hidden in the anthology – often peppered with irony and poetic skill. Her former lover and fellow writer Henry Miller described it as “poetic and pornographic, sensual and sensitive”. Here you can find the work as a book, eBook and audio book.

“Fuck Your Friends” by Sophie Andresky

“Fuck Your Friends” is the second work that a young German writer has published under the synonym Sophie Andresky. Both books are explicitly about the point. In this case, it is about a couple who, by visiting a swingers club, get into a constellation of four, which is not without problems. The title is thus meant as ambiguously as it is understood. Here you can find the work as a book, eBook and audio book.

“After” series by Anna Todd

Everyone is talking about Anna Todd. With her “After” book series, which got off to a successful start with “After Passion”, the American enthuses millions of readers worldwide. The series is now in numerous volumes, so if you enjoyed the story, there would be plenty more. In terms of content, the “After” series deals with ex-One-Direction singer Harry Styles; it’s about love and passion. Just as younger readers in particular dream of it inside. Here you can find the work as a book, eBook and audio book.

“Eleven minutes” by Paulo Coelho

The sex that protagonist Maria has with her suitors lasts an average of eleven minutes. But how did it come about that the young woman became a sex worker? After all, didn’t she just want to spend a nice holiday in freedom and return as a proud wife? The Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho describes in great detail how this development began and how Maria learned to love herself in the course of her life. Here you can find the work as a book, eBook and audio book.

“Nacktbadestrand” by Elfriede Vavrik

Who says that love and eroticism are reserved for the young? Author Elfriede Vavrik proves exactly the opposite with her debut work “Nacktbadestrand”. Her protagonist, i.e. herself, is 79 years old, divorced and has insomnia. Following the advice of her doctor, who “prescribes” her no medication, but a love life, she throws herself into new love affairs after many years of abstinence. And quickly realizes: they get much better with age! Here you can find the work as a book, eBook and audio book.

“The Fermata” by Nicholson Baker

What would you do if you could stop time with a snap of your fingers? For the protagonist Arno Strine, the decision is easy – caught in time, he takes the chance and undresses pretty women. Scandalous! Strine longs for nothing more than to experience real intimacy. A book with a lot of humor. Not a dirty novel, but erotic reading with wit and irony. Here you can find the work as a book and eBook.

“How I Learned to Love Women” by Stephen Vizinczey

The German title is a little misleading. The English original “In Praise Of Older Women” is much more likely to get to the bottom of the book’s content. Because it’s about a young man’s love for older women. An amusing book about changing partners. You can find the book here.

“Lady Chatterley” by DH Lawrence

Today “Lady Chatterley” is considered to be the first literary work to describe explicit sexual acts – but in 1930, the year of the first appearance, it only triggered scandals and indexing. Trapped in her unhappy marriage to the impotent Sir Clifford Chatterley, Lady Chatterley succumbs to the temptations of an affair. In addition to the detailed descriptions of physical love, the main focus is on the sexual liberation of women and the achievements of nature. Here you can find the work as a book and eBook.

“Royal Passion” by Geneva Lee

The name is program. In the first volume of the book series about the royal Prince Alexander of Cambridge, he meets the young Oxford graduate Clara Bishop for the first time. A passionate kiss marks the start of a hot night of love and a total of ten novels. For fans of “Fifty Shades of Gray” just the thing. Here you can find the work as a book, eBook and audio book.

“Night Jasmine” by Allegra Huston

Eve is 48 when she meets the much younger Miacjah, the son of a school friend, in a junk shop. Bored of her marriage and life, she throws herself into a passionate affair. Miacjah ignites the longing for adventure that she has not felt since college. Here you can find the work as a book and eBook.

What is meant by erotic literature?

While the term was generally only used for dime novels and Co. for a long time, this literary genre is much more than that. In general, it includes works that aim for an exciting effect and strive for a certain claim. Thus, erotic literature belongs to pornography, but within this genre it is – sometimes more, sometimes less clearly – differentiated from it.

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