Escape to Pontoise hospital: the detainee and his accomplice arrested

The detainee who escaped during his transfer to the hospital in Pontoise (Val-d’Oise), on December 21, was finally arrested on Sunday.

He was arrested with his accomplice by the German police in Düsseldorf (Germany), according to police sources familiar with the matter. This operation puts an end to five days on the run.

The 28-year-old detainee was held in Osny remand center. He simulated a suicide attempt on Tuesday to be taken to the Pontoise hospital center, around 9:30 p.m. His minor companion was waiting for him in the emergency room. She fired a gun at one of the prison guards, hitting him lightly on the back. The couple fled in a vehicle.

“They were located very very quickly” thanks to information from the National Fugitive Search Brigade (BNRF), said a police source. However, she did not mention the arrest of a second man, having been on the lookout during the escape.

The fugitive had been remanded in custody since October 1. He is suspected of having murdered a young man of 18 in Valenton (Val-de-Marne) the night of September 28 to 29. He has already been convicted on multiple occasions for traffic offenses and aggravated acts of violence. The investigation into his escape was entrusted to the BNRF and the judicial police of Versailles.

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