Escape to the emergency room of Pontoise: the detainee and his companion arrested in Germany

The man and his companion, who had shot one of the guards with a long weapon, were arrested in Düsseldorf by the German police, thanks to information from the central direction of the French judicial police (DCPJ), said Sunday one of the police sources, confirming information from Le Point.

The suspects quickly located

“They were very quickly located” thanks to information from the National Fugitive Search Brigade (BNRF), the service specializing in this type of investigation. The escapee, aged 28, had simulated a suicide attempt on Tuesday evening and was transported to the Pontoise hospital center.

Arrived at the emergency room, he was expected by his companion, a minor according to the Pontoise prosecutor’s office. It quickly fired at an unarmed prison warden, hitting him in the back. The couple had fled in a vehicle, detailed the prosecution.

The man already condemned several times

The supervisor, protected by his bulletproof vest, had been briefly hospitalized for observation. The sources, however, did not mention at this stage the arrest of a third man, who would have been on the lookout, according to the first elements of the investigation provided by a police source.

The BNRF and the PJ of Versailles had been cosaisies of the investigation, entrusted since Friday to an examining magistrate. The man, from the community of Travelers, had been in pre-trial detention since October 1, in the investigation of an assassination committed at the end of September, according to the Pontoise prosecutor’s office. He is suspected of having killed an 18-year-old young man in Valenton (Val-de-Marne) on the night of September 28 to 29.

He has also been convicted on multiple occasions, in particular for traffic offenses and acts of aggravated violence, according to the same source.

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